She was unaware she had the ability to turn emotions into words and bleed thousands of poetry.

In a faraway land, a damsel was birthed. Living in peace in her forest sanctuary, she encountered a mysterious phantom calling upon her to finish a quest . . . and more. Her world and her very beliefs were shattered when confounded truths arose.The damsel began to stray, looking for traces and solving clues to lead her to the right phase. However, she never noticed that the answers were in front of her all the time.“She was unaware she had the ability to turn emotions into words and bleed thousands of poetry.”When she came face to face with the dark spirit, her will to defeat the battle vanished. Instead, she tamed the spirit of darkness using the words of a poet.With metaphors streaming through her blood and her undying passion for literature, the phantom came to name her the ‘wanderer for words.’This is only beginning. Witness the birth of a dauntless wanderer— Katelyn Weird.

Greetings to all! I am Katelyn Weird (not really my real name), but you can call me Kate for short. I started writing short stories on Facebook back on the 7th day of April in the year 2020. And in July 2020, I began to write on Wattpad.I was unaware I had this gifted talent. I never pictured myself as who I am now because who knew that the young girl I was before would result in like this? Reading used to bore me to death. Yet, here I am now, unable live without books.When I first wrote my short story, I felt this connection with words. Throughout my life, I grew up not speaking my mind because I thought my words were meaningless and pointless. So, using the talent I have and my unsung passion for poetry, I use it to voice out my unsaid words. Everything that I write, every word, is connected to my feelings.

A World of My Own
(katelyn weird’s story guide)